Sunday, April 24, 2022

Moral Mortal sarcasm to ponder

"Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile." - Billy Sunday.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Parents and the truth

A woman posted on social media that her kids were always lying and she had to send them to their rooms as punishment. I was curious and decided to look up her page. She had two kids, claimed to be a Christian and that was why she "tried to give her kids a sense of morals. And then I saw it! She had an image that said "Trump Won" and coffee squirted out of my mouth and nose. 

Considering everything that came with that lie and the liars who spread it, anyone still believing any of the liars who have been caught lying, need a reality check before they expect their kids to have morals or value truth enough to even know why they were punished by a parent who valued a lie so much, she spend it out.

Here are the facts:

Just days after the Jan. 6 riot, House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy told a fellow Republican lawmaker that he would recommend to then-President Donald Trump that he resign, according to audio of a call shared with MSNBC and aired Thursday night. The Morning Joe panel discusses.

McCarthy, who made a speech about all this right after the attack on the US Capitol, along with Mitch McConnell, went on to deny what he said, and what he knew.

That wasn't enough because even after he agreed with Rep.Liz Cheney in the recording above, he condemned her, sought to have her removed from her committees and pushed to have the GOP remove her from the party. Only a few of the Republicans members elected to represent their states, honored their oath of office.

What makes all this worse is, while they claimed the election was stolen from Trump, none of them questioned their own election results.

The fact is, there was no evidence to what any of them were saying. The claims were continually rejected by court after court because courts operate on evidence and not false claims that have no basis in facts.

The fact is, the majority of the elected GOP members didn't honor their duty to seek the truth and hold the President accountable. He was impeached twice by the House, but the Senate refused to do their duty and actually follow evidence.

So, if your kids are lying and you punish them by sending them to their rooms, maybe you should set an example and let them send you to your room for lying in front of them while calling everyone else a liar. It will let them know what your actual values are and teach them what morality really is!

Moral Mortal Witch Wisdom

I am getting old enough to retire. I have decided that this site will be changing. It is time for me to just kick back and turn this into something I want to do for myself.

Starting a business during a pandemic was not the brightest idea I ever had, but at least it wasn't the worst one.

It is something I wanted to do all my life. I figured if I didn't try it last year, I'd never do it. I am glad that at least I tried.

Right now, I am not sure what I will turn it into but whatever it is, it will be honest. This country has had enough liars taking over social media.

Maybe the last straw for me was the attack on the Capitol, and then hearing politicians lie about what happened just because the majority of the members wanted to get to the bottom on of all of this.

All of us saw the footage as it was happening. To hear them lie and get away with it, to hear others protect the perpetrators, caused the rest of us to be wonder how things got this bad.

There are many things I think about that do not belong on the other sites I have. That said, I am not ashamed of what I think, how I feel or what I value. Above many things is the respect of the truth. Being a Christian, even a churchless one, has formed my values.

I am so tired of so many people claiming to be "Christian" but fail to follow a single thing Christ said about how to treat other people.

I discovered how much the false Christians have hurt the faith I have always have by what they do and how they live their lives.  I wrote three new books about how miracles happen and how imperfect people share their love of God to help others. No matter how hard I tried to promote the books, people I know will not read them because they have been turned off by others claiming to be Christian, yet proving they are liars.

This deeply hurt me, because these are people who actually know me but even they will not read read what I wrote. Most of them either deal with PTSD or know someone struggling, yet they will not even attempt to read them.

Today is the day I change this site for what I want it to be. It will be about all the values I grew up with and grew into. There will be political posts. I am an Independent, as I have been for over twenty years, so don't expect anything other than a centrist point of view. There will be posts on faith, and yes, I will post on the audacity of false Christians because I am tired of people thinking that is what the faith has turned into. 

If you are not a deli-Christian, you may enjoy reading someone else write what you are already thinking.

What is a deli-Christian? They pick and choose the parts of the Bible that easy for them to digest and suit their tastes. Like ordering from a deli menu, pointing to what they want and avoiding anything that will upset their taste.

The witch image above is being called Witch Wisdom and she will appear a lot in future posts.

Here, the truth maters, so if I get something wrong, please leave a comment.

Today they want to force birth. What comes next?

  First Amendment Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion , or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ; or abridgi...