Monday, November 30, 2020

When a story is only partially true

 Good example of what Moral Mortal does all the time online.....

This is being shared on Facebook. It is only partially true.

Anne Frank was born in 1929, so she would have been older but the rest is true "Desperate to escape Nazi persecution during World War II, Anne Frank’s family tried repeatedly to flee to the United States before going into hiding in 1942, according to new research published this week. However, the combination of Nazi rule, World War II bombing and American bias against accepting Jewish refugees ensured they never made it far enough through the application process."


Thursday, November 12, 2020



We dig the truth!

“Lies sound like facts to those who've been conditioned to mis-recognize the truth.”

― DaShanne Stokes

Mission Statement

While we will write for anyone, we will not lie for anyone!

Basically that explains what we do. We are researchers, writers and public speakers who value the power of words and the truth. We are ready to supply you with the right words and search for facts.

If you read it online, do not assume it is true. Contact us when the truth matters!

From searching for a claim you discovered online and want to know if it is true or not, we take the bait and fetch the fishy tale or, find a pearl hidden in the questionable claim.

Need a letter written? We net your thoughts together and weave a mastercraft of tasty tidbits to dock your point in the reader's mind.

Need a resume to net the next best job? Our spinners can hook any reader on needing to feed on more of what you are all about.

Need a speech? We take your talking points, search for facts to support your bait and hook the audience. You won’t have to worry anymore about walking the plank because your speech tanked!

Want to spruce up your manuscript with some wit? Our tackle box is stuffed!

“Words are like eggs dropped from great heights; you can no more

call them back than ignore the mess they leave when they fall.” 

― Jodi Picoult, ​Salem Falls

We just went through some of the worst years witnessing the truth assaulted by those who agreed with lies. That is why it is time for a writing service dedicated to the truth!

Moral Mortal title was chosen because I will try to do my best to give you facts and let you know what the truth is about what matters to you. While I am a Centrist Independent, I believe voters deserve the truth so that this country can live up to what the Founding Fathers envisioned. It does not matter which side you are on, as long as you value the truth. 

As hard as I try, I am just human and will make mistakes. I will hold myself accountable and will publicize it on MM Stump Us because if it was so complicated, even I messed up, others should know about it.

Members only group on Facebook coming soon!

Limited to 100 people. Private group where you can ask for 1 search per week and see what other members are searching for, so the truth gets shared. 

No comments on this group to avoid conflict and no one will know you asked for the search. 
Find out how to join by contacting Kathie.

Call or text Kathie at 407-754-7526 (Moved from Florida)


For all other service, see pricing and request quote.

Today they want to force birth. What comes next?

  First Amendment Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion , or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ; or abridgi...